Quick links for public records
Secondary Application Status Report
The Secondary Application Status Report shows the current numbers enrolled in high school programs for the 2024–2025 school year.
Reports are released frequently. The most recent update was 01/02/2025.
Annual Notices on Center Policies
Federal and state laws require school districts to provide students, parents, and/or the public with notices on topics like privacy, nondiscrimination, child nutrition, and open records. Lancaster County Career & Technology Center invites parents and guardians of students to review the information at (List Website). Please contact your child’s principal with any questions or concerns about the information contacted in these notices. You may also contact the Office of the Administrative Director at 717-464-7050 ext. 7168.
Annual Notices
The documents below will help you to better understand your rights. Lancaster County Career & Technology Center invites parents and guardians to review the following information. Please contact your child’s principal with any questions or concerns about the information contained in these notices. You may also contact the Office of the Administrative Director at 717-464-7050, ext. 7168. To review all board policies please visit our board docs site.
As required by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), we maintain a management plan that includes periodic surveillance (as stipulated in AHERA Regulations, Section 763.84). Re-inspection of our buildings is a regular part of our continuing asbestos management plan.
If you wish to obtain a copy of the management plan, a copy will be furnished within thirty days of receipt of a written request at the cost of reproduction, total cost to be paid in advance. For more information, please contact Tim Kline, Facilities Director, 717-464-7050 ext.3011.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. Copies of the student records plan shall be submitted to the Department of Education, upon request.
We use integrated pest management procedures to manage structural and landscape pests and the toxic chemicals used for their control in order to alleviate pest problems with the least possible hazard to people, property, and the environment. We integrate IPM education into the curriculum in accordance with relevant academic standards. If you have any questions, please contact Tim Kline, Director of Facilities, at 717-464-7050, ext. 3011, or tkline@lancasterctc.edu.
Integrated Pest Management notice
The Lancaster County Career and Technology Center received passing scores on a battery of state-wide lead water tests. All campuses were found to be in compliance. Starting in 2018, Pennsylvania required that all public schools in the state conduct annual lead testing of their water supplies.
When initial tests were run in April 2019, the results determined that one sink in a faculty/staff lavatory at the Public Safety Training Center required repair to meet test requirements. Our staff followed protocols to correct the issue and replaced some hardware in the sink. After the maintenance, the sink was retested and found to meet safety standards. Since 2019, lead water testing has been conducted (as recent as 2022) on an annual basis and results have shown that we meet safety standards for healthy drinking water.
Lancaster County Career & Technology Center is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, marital status, genetic information, pregnancy, or handicap/disability in its activities, programs, or employment practices as required by Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504. For further information, please read our JOC Policies on Nondiscrimination in School and Classroom Practices and Nondiscrimination in Employment Practices.
The JOC declares it to be the policy of this Center to ensure that all Center programs and practices are free from discrimination against all qualified students with disabilities. The JOC recognizes its responsibility to provide academic and nonacademic services and programs equally to students with and without disabilities. Please read our Board Policy.
Open Records – Right to Know
The Right-to-Know Law is Pennsylvania’s open records law. It requires government agencies in the Commonwealth to provide access to and copies of public records. You can read more or view our Board Policy 919.
This policy sets forth guidelines regarding the conduct of surveys and collection and use of information for marketing purposes, consistent with law and regulations. Personal information means individually identifiable information, including a student’s or parent’s/guardian’s first and last name; home or physical address, including street name and the name of the city or town; telephone number; or social security number.
Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
Act 3 of 2008, the revised Right to Know Law, provides for access to public records. Requests must be submitted to the center using the form below.
The school district’s Right to Know Officer is the Business Manager.
Right-to-Know Law Contact Information
Contact Information for the District Open Records Officer
Title: Business Manager
Attn: Open Records Officer
Mailing Address: 1730 Hans Herr Drive, Willow Street, PA 17584
Fax: 717 735-2092
E-mail Address: openrecordsofficer@Lancasterctc.edu
The PA Office of Open Records has been established to enforce the law and to serve as a resource for citizens. The PA Office of Open Records can be found at openrecords.state.pa.us
The Right To Know Request Form can be downloaded here.
Lancaster County Career & Technology JOC Board Policy 919 regarding Public Records is available by visiting our online policy manual.