Each year, the Lancaster County Career & Technology Center must report the placement rates (how many of our students get hired) for each program to our national accrediting agency, the Council on Occupational Education.
The program placement rate is based on completers who were employed in a position related to their field of training within 180 days of graduation. Graduate surveys, which include student placement information, are filled out and returned by all students prior to the completion of their training program. For students who were not placed at the time of graduation, follow up surveys are sent at intervals of 90 and 180 days following the date of graduation.
A student is counted as a completer of a program if:
- They are employed in the field of education pursued or in a related field, or
- They have received the appropriate credential and entered the military or continued their education.
Valid employment in the field or a related field includes placement in a permanent full- or part-time position with an employer or employment agency, or self-employment in the field of education or a related field. Students who are unavailable for work are excluded from the calculation. Students who are considered to be unavailable for work are students who have a current life situation that impedes their ability to work at the time of the survey. These situations may include, but are not limited to, a medical condition affecting the student or family member for whom the student must care, incarceration, or call to the mission field.