- Mount Joy
- Diane Lowry
- Erin McFalls
- CIP Code: 19.0708
Clearance Links for Accepted Students
Core Skills
PA 100 Orientation and Safety
PA 200 Professionalism
PA 300 Health and Safety
PA 400 Learning Environment (Physical Space)
PA 500 Child Development (Social, Emotion, Physical, Intellectual, Language Development)
PA 600 Classroom Management and Positive Guidance
PA 700 Standards, Curriculum, and Assessment
PA 800 Curriculum Development
PA 900 Learning Activities/Experiences
PA 1000 Program Partnerships
PA 1100 Clinical Experience
Certifications You’ll Earn
Full list of Certifications included in Task List linked above
Students gain the necessary knowledge and skills to manage children’s safety, prevent illness and respond to emergencies while also obtaining certification for employment in child care centers.
Upon completion of the Early Childhood Program and high school graduation, students qualify to be employed as classroom assistants within child care centers in Pennsylvania licensed by the Department of Human Services managing, supervising and educating children ages birth to five years.
Students can prepare for an additional level of certification within the field by completing the Child Development Associate Resource Collection. This certification is started within the program and completed once the student has graduated and is employed in a child care center. Completion of the Child Development Associate allows students to become teachers in child care center classrooms with children birth to five years.
Career Pathways
Assist in a classroom with children ages birth to five years and/or provides before and after school care in a licensed child care facility.
Assist in classrooms in an Elementary school to support teachers in supervision and curriculum delivery to children ages kindergarten through the beginning of fourth grade.
Attend to the basic needs of children, such as dressing, feeding, and overseeing play. They may help younger children prepare for kindergarten or assist older children with homework. *requires post-secondary education
Ready to Start?
Submit your online application today.